Good morning, everyone, it’s Mark, the bowl hat farmer. Thank you, thank you for signing
 up as ambassadors for the Food Finders
to say thank you because we’ve had up at 120 ambassadors come on board so far and as a
 I thought I’d just drop you a quick note
 voluntary role we appreciate that very much,Â
I have to say because to me I came up with
the idea of the site, spoke to a friend who’s put it together with a team of designers
and we are up in a way and I didn’t realise we originally thought if we could get 50 consumers
signed up within the first month to be amazing and we’ve got 2000 plus which was signed up in the
first three days. So really good, really really busy and now the next thing is to get content on there
for the consumers to be able to find and go out and be able to buy. So and that’s where you come in working hard in the background, we’ve got some girls now which are kindly working out voluntary
contacting places locally where we are down in Suffolk. The next thing for us is to really
motor this across the country. The demand is clearly there, you know I thought I was just the
crazy one who you know didn’t want supermarket food. Now I realise I’m not alone and that there
is thousands upon thousands of people who also want to, real good wholesome natural nutritional food.
So guys let’s get the public what they’re looking for. Let’s find them. There are some really really
good British growers out there and producers and you know box schemes, river Ford for instance
have signed up good food project of contacting me to say they’re going to come on board.
There are some big companies out there that’s a lot of small independent growers who can serve
people locally. Let’s get out there, let’s find them. Guys we are going to change the way people
shop. This is a bloody revolution guys and you are signing up to come on board and help it happen.
Thank you all so much. Have a great day, guys.
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