Ambassadors – New Content

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Hi everyone,

New Content you can use:

Those of you that know me well will know that I am passionate about all things natural, eating healthily and supporting local businesses, as well as being artsy/craftsy!

In an effort to support our local farmers and food producers, and to help our local community find healthy food close to home, I’ve signed up to be an Ambassador for the Food Finders Hub, which is an initiative set up by The Bowlerhat Farmer to help bring farmers and consumers together.

The Food Finders Hub needs you! We need local food producers and farmers to sign up for free, to advertise their produce for sale directly to the local community. We need local people to find these producers and businesses via the Hub and buy directly from them – best quality meat, dairy, veg etc, grown and raised within a few miles of our own homes.

Are you a dairy farmer? Do you have a milk vending machine? Could you deliver milk/dairy products locally? Please list yourself on the Hub for free and tell us where we can buy your milk/butter/cream/cheese.

Are you a sheep/beef/pork/poultry farmer? Where can we buy your meat? Could you provide a delivery/meat van service? Please list yourself on the Hub for free.

Do you grow fruit/veg crops? Where can we buy from you? Can you deliver veg boxes? Again, please list your details for free on the Hub and tell us where we can buy from you.

Are you a farm shop/delicatessen selling locally produced foods? Please get your business listed on the Hub and let’s get more people through your doors, supporting local farmers.

And, of course, we need as many people as possible to make a little effort to support our local food heroes. Supermarket food may be cheap, but it lacks flavour and nutrients, and has a whole bunch of chemicals added to make it taste better – even if you only bought top quality, locally grown meat for one night a week, that would be something. Buy quality food raised in the right way and with no unnecessary additives or food miles added. Keep checking out the Hub to see what producers you can find – there’ll be more added as word gets around.

Would there be a call for a food market here in Barton? Would shoppers support it if producers came? Would there be any volunteers available to help if what is needed is a pair of helping hands or a driver? Comment below if you have any thoughts/ideas.

I’m not a farmer but I would like to help bring this community together through the love of good, honest food. Please share this and let’s spread the word together.

I’m going to be shouting out some of our best food providers in the area and I hope that local folks will show their support and support our farmers. No farmers, no food.


New Flyer for Food Finders Hub

new flyer for food finders hub

Author: pete

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One response to “Ambassadors – New Content”

  1. Based in brightlingsea Essex- happy to help out. Will set up donation soon and will start searching and contacting local farmers/producers/ farm shops in the area. If you need anything else- I will try to help in anyway I can.
    We stand behind and beside you (our farmers) 🙏

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