How to Make Shortcrust Pastry

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How to Make Shortcrust Pastry – it’s Easier than You Think

Ana’s Food & Lifestyle

Back to Basics is a selection of videos where we strip cooking down to the bare essentials to learn the fundamentals. We’ve all had enough of nasty chemicals and additives in our food, and the problem is only getting worse. Let’s get back to basics and learn how to make the simplest things, giving you a solid foundation for a variety of healthy recipes.

Welcome to Anas food and lifestyle, my name is Ana and I’m a prepper based in the UK. I’m a prepper by nature so over the years I have learned a lot of cooking and food preservation skills. On my channel, I cover everything you need to know about Average person prepping, including cooking, dehydrating, preserving and growing, amongst many other helpful videos to help you on your prepping journey.

How to Make Shortcrust Pastry

How to Make Shortcrust Pastry

herbal edition of Back to Basics but it is a cold and flu season so it is perfect timing. How to Make Shortcrust Pastry – it’s Easier than you Think

Say goodbye to food waste and hello to long-lasting convenience! In Ana’s latest video, she shares her secret to making

Super easy recipe for absolute beginners. Once you have tried it, you will never buy one from the shop., this method is a game-changer for your pantry! 🏕️

Why You’ll Love This Recipe:

Super easy recipe for absolute beginners. Once you have tried it, you will never buy one from the shop.

Don’t Forget!

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Homemade food has never been this easy—or fun. Check it out and let us know what you think! 🌟

Author: pete

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